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How to cross a river... Siberian style

Wednesday 8th May, 2013

Sssh! Don't tell the health and safety inspector.

These workers in northern Siberia have come up with a resourceful way to get across a fast-flowing river - but there's no doubt it breaks a few rules.

The bridge builders are shown in this video traversing the icy water in the buckets of two giant excavators, leaping from one to the next as the giant machines swivel them across.


Health and safety nightmare: These bridge builders in Siberia have an inventive way to cross the river



Patient: After queuing on one bank for their turn, they clamber into this earth-mover's bucket



Tight squeeze: Four or five men can fit in at once - with their luggage - to be carried across the raging torrent



Here we go: The digger operator then swivels them across using the machine's hydraulic-powered arm

Any British site inspector would put a stop to the inventive technique immediately but, from the look on these workers' faces, it seems they are rather enjoying the thrill.

Four or five workers at a time - and their bags - climb into the buckets from a long queue waiting on one bank of the raging torrent.

The digger operators then swivel the buckets to the middle, where the men have to clamber from one to the other right over the middle of the freezing cold river.

In the background can be seen the half-finished bridge the workers are building.


Halfway point: In the middle, the workers clamber from one bucket to the next as the icy water rages below



Safe and dry: Once they reach the other side, the men clamber out and the digger returns for the next lot



Plenty more to go... Looks like these guys will have a long wait




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